
Ridracoli Dam

  • Location - Country: Italy - Folì-Cesena
  • Client: Romagna Acque-Società delle Fonti S.p.A
  • Time frame: 2005
  • Works amount: -
  • Scope of works: Progetto di gestione dell’invaso «Ridracoli Dam» secondo le disposizioni di cui al Decreto Ministeriale 30 giugno 2004, ai sensi dell’Art.40 Comma 2 del D.L. 11 maggio 1999 N.152
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SGAI s.r.l. did for Romagna Acque-Società delle Fonti S.p.A a geological, geotechnical and hydrological - hydraulic study about the hydraulic management review of the tidal barrage on Bidente river, evalueting the torbidity level of the discharge water release during the basin runoff. Subsequently hydraulic control are made, in order to evaluate hydrological - hydraulic safety based on thecnichal and scientific improvement in hydrogeological field and on data collected during the operation time of the basin.

The presence of tenacious and low erodible soils, concurrently with the dense forest cover of the area around the reservoir, avoids problems of sedimentation of the basin and at the same time guarantees a good quality of the water. Therefore, the main management issues of the reservoir were encountered in the definition of the best practices for opening the hydraulic discharge system, due to the large volume of water that can be released, with potential problems of turbidity in the downstream riverbed. Then, tests were carried out, during the open of the discharge system, in order to calculate the characteristic curves of turbidity according to the volume released, ensuring good mixing and dilution of sediments. For validation and monitoring, samples of turbidity were carried out at the end of the stilling basin every 5 minutes from the start of operations with checking the turbidity limit values and reconstruction of the real curve.