
New commercial Molfetta port

  • Location - Country: Italy - Molfetta (Bari)
  • Client: Molfetta Newport scarl
  • Time frame: 2009-2014
  • Works amount: € 63'300'000.00
  • Scope of works: Executive and construction about dock of north Molfetta commercial harbor.
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New commercial Molfetta port (Bari province), is the second biggest maritime infrastructure in Italy (after Mose in Venice). It is a monumental construction that cost about 60 milions Euro, that involve use of dredgs that can reach 50 meters lenght. Expansion of Molfetta port contemplate a dock building over big diameters piles foundation, boulers docks, maritime station, customs and service facility, storm water tratment tanks, square for ro-ro traffic, breakwater pier and dredgings. Intervention is very complex, so it is divided into different construction phases.

SGAI s.r.l. did supplementary evaluation about north dock of the Molfetta commercial port, after introdution of D.M. 14 January 2008 (Construction technical specification). SGAI did also design, filled basin, dynamic compaction and settlement evaluation.